0:30 - Background
3:29 - County Judge
7:04 - Judicial referendum
Partial Transcript: Could you make a comparison of the judges duties now and what they were prior to the judicial reform referendum?
Segment Synopsis: Pyles says that the County Judge used to have all of the power and now it is gone.
Keywords: Adair County; County Judge; County Judge Executive
Subjects: Revenue sharing
13:07 - Juvenile court
16:57 - Grand Jury
Partial Transcript: Who are the most important decision makers in the county?
Segment Synopsis: Pyles talks about the power of the County Attorney. He also discusses the circuit court and grand juries.
Keywords: Adair County; Count Judge
Subjects: Circuit courts--United States County attorneys Grand jury--United States
24:30 - Future plans
28:55 - Tim Lee Carter
30:20 - Adair County
Partial Transcript: What contributions are you proud of that you made in office?
Segment Synopsis: Pyles says that he is proud of the hospital and roads that he helped construct. He talks about the chances of the dry county becoming a wet county.
Keywords: Adair County; Bootleggers; County Judge; Lindsey Wilson College; Moonshine
Subjects: Distilling, Illicit--Kentucky Hospital buildings--Construction Roads--Construction
38:23 - Current politics
Partial Transcript: What do you spend most of your time doing now?
Segment Synopsis: Pyles talks about current politics in Adair County.
Keywords: Adair County; County Judge; County Judge Executive
Subjects: County government Cumberland, Lake (Ky.) Kentucky--Politics and government Term limits (Public office)--United States