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1:11 - Background

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Partial Transcript: We'll start off by you telling me your name, where you were born, and who your parents were, that kind of stuff.

Segment Synopsis: Nevels discusses his background, where he was born and educated and how he became a superintendent.

Keywords: Berea College; McCreary County; Nevelsville; one room school; politics

Subjects: Public schools School boards

15:48 - School board issues

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Partial Transcript: I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions about the elections, not specifically but just generally.

Segment Synopsis: Nevels discusses the issues and politics in school board elections and his relationship with the board.

Keywords: McCreary County; politics

Subjects: School board-superintendent relationships School boards School boards--Elections

23:27 - Issues

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Partial Transcript: What have been the major problems in the schools here and probably your major accomplishments too?

Segment Synopsis: Nevels discusses the problems he has faced as superintendent, including transportation and teacher training, and the accomplishments he has achieved, such as building a high school.

Keywords: buses; community relations; McCreary County; politics; PTA; school principals

Subjects: School buildings School consolidation Student transportation Teacher-superintendent relationships Teachers--training of Vocational school students

32:49 - Superintendent job

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Partial Transcript: I'm going to ask you some general things about your job then.

Segment Synopsis: Nevels discusses his feelings about the job and what he does in it, dealing with politics, job security, and negative aspects of the job.

Keywords: Bus drivers; job security; McCreary County; politics

Subjects: School buildings School buses School sports State departments of education

44:45 - Decision makers

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Partial Transcript: Who makes the decisions in your county?

Segment Synopsis: Nevels discusses the decision makers in McCreary county, the important figures in the region.

Keywords: McCreary County; school prinicipals

Subjects: Newspaper editors--United States Public libraries

0:00No transcript.