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0:40 - Background

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Partial Transcript: If you might tell me who you are, where you came from, that kind of thing/

Segment Synopsis: Schurz talks about her family and her education.



4:44 - Overview

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Partial Transcript: When did you get this paper?

Segment Synopsis: Schurz gives an overview of the paper; including when it was purchased and how it's circulation has grown.

Keywords: Danville Advocate Messenger

Subjects: American newspapers--Ownership Newspaper--Circulation

12:28 - Reporting

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Partial Transcript: Would you consider this a community paper?

Segment Synopsis: Schurz talks about reporting and editorials.She discusses political endorsements and how the Kentucky Press Association has helped her.

Keywords: Danville Advocate Messenger; Kentucky Press Association; Political endorsement

Subjects: Editorials Journalism--Societies, etc Newspaper reporting Political campaigns

22:29 - Writing

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Partial Transcript: How did you go about getting to know what was going on?

Segment Synopsis: Schurz discusses studying writing and what she would tell aspiring writers.

Keywords: Danville Advocate Messenger

Subjects: Deadlines

29:28 - Danville Advocate Messenger

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Partial Transcript: Of course were you surprised when you found out how much people love to read that?

Segment Synopsis: Schurz talks about running the paper and how she plans on growing the circulation.

Keywords: Danville Advocate Messenger

Subjects: Deadlines Newspaper editors--United States Newspaper--Circulation

0:00No transcript.