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0:09 - Judicial referendum

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Partial Transcript: What they have done, they have went into business.

Segment Synopsis: Baker talks about the funding and judicial effects of the judicial referendum.

Keywords: County Judge Executive; Harlan County

Subjects: County courts County government Hospital and community

10:31 - County Judge Executive

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Partial Transcript: Would you relate a little bit of your own family background and personal history?

Segment Synopsis: Baker says that he will not run for Judge Executive again. He talks about some of the problems that he faces and feeling ineffectual.

Keywords: County Judge Executive; Harlan County

Subjects: County government

16:38 - Teaching career

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Partial Transcript: Can I ask you to relate a little bit of your own family history now?

Segment Synopsis: Baker talks about his family and his teaching career.

Keywords: Education; Harlan County; Library Science; Teacher


23:52 - Kentucky politics

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Partial Transcript: When you raced in 1974 for County Judge Executive, how many people, how many candidates ran in the primary?

Segment Synopsis: Baker talks about his race to become County Judge Executive, the political parties, and the gubernatorial race.

Keywords: County Judge Executive; Harlan County

Subjects: County government Democrat Governors--Election Kentucky--Politics and government Political campaigns Political parties--United States Republican party (Ky.)

29:15 - Harlan County

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Partial Transcript: Who are some of the leading citizens here in Harlan and Harlan County?

Segment Synopsis: Baker talks about local citizens and the increased level of education of elected officials.

Keywords: Education; Harlan County


0:00No transcript.