1:11 - Background.
5:42 - Revenue and funding
Partial Transcript: What were the major revenue needs of Kentucky in the 50s and 60s?
Segment Synopsis: Scent discusses what he saw as the major funding needs for the state, including education, and describes the role of the sales tax in providing funding.
Keywords: Revenue; Taxation
Subjects: Education--Kentucky--Finance Sales tax--Law and legislation
9:52 - Factions
Partial Transcript: What's the nature of factionalism in the Kentucky Democratic Party?
Segment Synopsis: Scent discusses the factions in the Kentucky Democratic Party and the different members within each and their interaction through various elections.
Keywords: Campaigning; Political factions
Subjects: Chandler, Happy, 1898-1991 Combs, Bert T., 1911-1991 Democratic Party (Ky.)
14:29 - Combs
Partial Transcript: What was your relationship with him at that time?
Segment Synopsis: Scent talks about Combs and his interactions with him through the elections of the 1950s and his opinion of Combs as a man and a candidate.
Keywords: Bert COmbs; Campaigning; Doc Beauchamp; Election of 1955; Regionalism; Taxes
Subjects: Elections Governors--Kentucky Kentucky. Court of Appeals
23:02 - Election of 1959
Partial Transcript: Why did he run again in 59?
Segment Synopsis: Scent discusses the election of 1959 and why Combs won as well as some of the other candidates and figures at that time.
Keywords: Bert Combs; Election of 1959; Happy Chandler; Harry Waterfield; Louisville; School superintendents
Subjects: Elections News media Wyatt, Wilson W. (Wilson Watkins), 1905-1996
28:28 - Clements and later elections
Partial Transcript: What's your estimation of Earle Clements's influence on Kentucky politics?
Segment Synopsis: Scent discusses Earle Clements and the split between Combs and Clements and how that influenced later politics and elections, including the 1971 election.
Keywords: Bert Combs; Election of 1971; Truck deal; Wendell Ford
Subjects: Clements, Earle C. (Earle Chester), 1896-1985 Elections
34:27 - Leadership
Partial Transcript: What do you remember about the working relationship between the governor and the commissioner and directors?
Segment Synopsis: Scent discusses Combs as a leader and his relationship with others in the government, including his problem solving skills and leadership style.
Keywords: Bert Combs; Department of Revenue; Leadership; media relations; Mountain Parkway; Problem solving
Subjects: Education--Kentucky Sales tax--Law and legislation Toll roads
40:40 - Combs administration
Partial Transcript: What were Combs's greatest strengths as governor?
Segment Synopsis: Scent describes what he sees as the strengths of Combs and some of his programs, including the merit system. He also discusses how this continued into the later election of 1971.
Keywords: Bert Combs; Decision making; Election of 1971; Media relations; Merit System
Subjects: Governors--Kentucky Kentucky. Court of Appeals News media
47:06 - Political changes
Partial Transcript: In your political experience, or experience in government what do you think have been the major changes in Kentucky in the last 20 to 30 years?
Segment Synopsis: Scent discusses the changes he has seen in Kentucky in recent history, highlighting changes in agriculture and racial integration.
Keywords: Agriculture; Bert Combs; Civil rights; Racial integration; Voting fraud
Subjects: Campaign funds Elections