0:48 - Background
8:28 - Judicial referendum
Partial Transcript: You were County Judge under the old system and under the new system, and, uh, let's compare those two systems.
Segment Synopsis: Westrick explains why he does not like the referendum. He believes that if it is voted on again, citizens will overturn it.
Keywords: Carroll County; Carrollton, Kentucky; County Judge; County Judge Executive; Judicial referendum
Subjects: County courts County government District courts--United States Kentucky--Politics and government Lawyers
21:00 - Fiscal court
Partial Transcript: What's your relationship with the fiscal court?
Segment Synopsis: Westrick says that he gets along with most of the fiscal court; however, there is one member of the court who once sued him and they will never get along.
Keywords: Carroll County; Carrollton, Kentucky; County Judge; County Judge Executive; Fiscal court
Subjects: County government
23:55 - Judge Executive duties
Partial Transcript: What are some of the major problems of Carroll County?
Segment Synopsis: Westrick talks about about revenue sharing and projects that he has started in the county.
Keywords: Carroll County; Carrollton, Kentucky; County Judge; County Judge Executive; Courthouse; Water district
Subjects: Community centers County government Revenue sharing
31:14 - Industries
Partial Transcript: How important is it being on the river?
Segment Synopsis: Westrick talks about current and future industries in Carroll County.
Keywords: Carroll County; Carrollton, Kentucky; Chemical plant; County Judge; County Judge Executive; Tobacco
Subjects: Agriculture Kentucky River (Ky.)
35:20 - Future goals
Partial Transcript: What are your personal plans for the future?
Segment Synopsis: Westrick says that he would like to run for re-election and that he wishes he could help people who need aid.
Keywords: Carroll County; Carrollton, Kentucky; County Judge; County Judge Executive
Subjects: County government Primary campaigns