0:39 - Background
2:39 - Cynthiana Democrat
Partial Transcript: Do you know very much about the history of this paper?
Segment Synopsis: Warnock gives an overview of the newspaper and its day-to-day operations.
Keywords: Cynthiana Democrat; Fiscal court; Harrison County; Landmark Communications; Political endorsement
Subjects: American newspapers--Ownership Editorials Newspaper editors--United States Newspaper employees Newspaper--Circulation
9:50 - Community relationships
15:39 - Harrison County
Partial Transcript: What do you think are the problems that this county is facing in the next few years?
Segment Synopsis: Warnock explains that he only recently moved to the area so he does not know the area really well but he does discuss some of the issues that he knows exist.
Keywords: Cynthiana, Kentucky; Harrison County
Subjects: Roads--Construction