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0:37 - Political background

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Partial Transcript: Let's start off with your personal background.

Segment Synopsis: Swartz discusses political campaigns that he has been involved in.

Keywords: County Judge; County Judge Executive; Menifee County

Subjects: Democrat Political campaigns Sheriffs

12:31 - Judge Executive duties

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Partial Transcript: What's the population of the county?

Segment Synopsis: Swartz talks about how his duties changed after the referendum.

Keywords: County Judge; County Judge Executive; Judicial referendum; Menifee County

Subjects: County courts County government Juvenile courts Landfills, Sanitary

19:03 - Accomplishments

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Partial Transcript: Of all of the things you've done since you've been County Judge, what things are you most proud of?

Segment Synopsis: Swartz discusses his accomplishments as County Judge Executive.

Keywords: County Judge; County Judge Executive; Menifee County

Subjects: Recreation centers Water districts

24:09 - Judicial referendum

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Partial Transcript: When you were a judge, back in those days, did you have anyone help you with legal things?

Segment Synopsis: Swartz says that he liked his job more before the referendum but he would not change it back now.

Keywords: County Judge; County Judge Executive; Judicial referendum; Menifee County

Subjects: County attorneys County courts County government

28:14 - Local services

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Partial Transcript: Judge, where do people go for hospitals in this county?

Segment Synopsis: Swartz talks about services in the county and how they are funded.

Keywords: County Judge; County Judge Executive; Menifee County

Subjects: Ambulance service Hospital and community Revenue sharing

32:35 - Local politics

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Partial Transcript: Who are some of the other County Judges before you?

Segment Synopsis: Swartz discusses local politics in Menifee County.

Keywords: County Judge; County Judge Executive; Menifee County

Subjects: County clerks County government Kentucky--Politics and government Roads--Construction

0:00No transcript.