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0:11 - Overview

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Partial Transcript: Start off by telling me your name, when you were born, where, and that type of thing.

Segment Synopsis: Striplin gives a brief introduction to himself before giving an overview of the newspaper.

Keywords: Ledger Independent; Mason County

Subjects: Advertising, Newspaper Newspaper--Circulation

10:09 - Reporting

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Partial Transcript: What kind of complaints do you get?

Segment Synopsis: Striplin discusses the newspaper's reporting policies and what the paper gets the most criticism about.

Keywords: Ledger Independent; Mason County; Political endorsement

Subjects: Newspaper reporting

14:42 - Mason County

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Partial Transcript: Generally speaking, which races have the most local interest?

Segment Synopsis: Striplin discusses organizations that have the most influence in Mason County.

Keywords: Lions Club; Mason County; Rotary Club

Subjects: County government Political campaigns School boards

23:09 - Duties

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Partial Transcript: Are you more involved with the business end of the paper?

Segment Synopsis: Striplin discusses his role at the newspaper.

Keywords: Ledger Independent; Local correspondents; Mason County

Subjects: Newspaper employees Newspaper presses

26:48 - Kentucky newspapers

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Partial Transcript: Are you all active in the Kentucky Press Association?

Segment Synopsis: Striplin discusses the Kentucky Press Association and newspapers in the state that he admires.

Keywords: Kentucky Press Association; KPA; Ledger Independent; Mason County

Subjects: Journalism--Societies, etc Newspaper--Circulation

30:19 - Newspaper business

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Partial Transcript: Have you ever thought that there was any other profession that you would rather be in?

Segment Synopsis: Striplin discusses why he got into the newspaper business and how it has changed.

Keywords: Ledger Independent; Mason County; Newspaper chains

Subjects: Newspaper employees Newspaper--Circulation

0:00No transcript.