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0:46 - Background

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Partial Transcript: I think we might start with some personal background.

Segment Synopsis: Worley discusses his family and education.

Keywords: Western Kentucky University


3:36 - Pioneer News

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Partial Transcript: The Pioneer News used to be owned by a man that still lives in the community.

Segment Synopsis: Worley talks about the history of the newspaper and its current state.

Keywords: Bullitt County; Landham; Pioneer News; Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Subjects: Newspaper editors--United States Newspaper employees Newspaper--Circulation

12:24 - Reportin

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Partial Transcript: Do you do much with Frankfort when the legislature is in session?

Segment Synopsis: Worley discusses the newspaper's editorial and reporting policies.

Keywords: Bullitt County; Local correspondents; Pioneer News; Political endorsement; Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Subjects: Editorials Newspaper reporting Political campaigns

27:04 - Bullit County

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Partial Transcript: You must have other sort of political relationships.

Segment Synopsis: Worley discusses Bullitt County and what ties the newspaper has to the county.

Keywords: Bullitt County; Chamber of Commerce; Fiscal court; Pioneer News; Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Subjects: Newspaper reporting School boards

39:03 - Kentucky Press Association

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Partial Transcript: I see you belong to the Kentucky Press Association.

Segment Synopsis: Worley talks about why he likes being a member of the KPA.

Keywords: Kentucky Press Association; KPA; National Newspapers Association

Subjects: Journalism--Societies, etc

44:00 - Local politics

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Partial Transcript: Could you give me an opinion on what you think, who you think are the decision makers in this county?

Segment Synopsis: Worley talks about who he thinks has the most influence in the county.

Keywords: Bullitt County; County Judge Executive; Moore, Arson; Shepherdsville, Kentucky

Subjects: County attorney Editorials School superintendent

0:00No transcript.