0:59 - Log rafts
Partial Transcript: What are your earliest memories of things that happened on the river?
Segment Synopsis: Marcum describes log rafts and how they were locked through. He describes a lockage which was when logs were connected to lock through as one.
Keywords: Lock 12; Lockage; Log rafts
Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.) Locks (Hydraulic engineering)--Kentucky River (Ky.) Timber rafting
7:30 - Working locks
Partial Transcript: When did you first start working on the river?
Segment Synopsis: Marcum describes the work that he did on the locks. He also names several men that he worked with during that time.
Keywords: Ashcraft; Bush; Combs; Frost
Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.) Locks (Hydraulic engineering)--Kentucky River (Ky.)
15:58 - Steamboats
19:50 - Ferry
Partial Transcript: When I was a boy, about fourteen years old, I run a ferry above the lock.
Segment Synopsis: Marcum briefly describes running a ferry above a nearby lock. He also mentions a man named Ed Hawkins who was hung nearby for several murders.
Keywords: Hawkins, Ed; Murder
Subjects: Ferries--Kentucky River (Ky.) Kentucky River (Ky.) Locks (Hydraulic engineering)--Kentucky River (Ky.)
23:33 - Life before locks
Partial Transcript: What was the river like before the locks went through?
Segment Synopsis: Marcum talks about how dangerous the river was before the locks were put in. He says that many men drowned or were killed. His uncle sold the land for the lock to the government for $1,000.
Keywords: The Armstrong; The Dixie; The Kentucky
Subjects: Boating Accidents--Kentucky River (Ky.) Kentucky River (Ky.) Locks (Hydraulic engineering)--Kentucky River (Ky.)
33:52 - Accidents
Partial Transcript: I saved two men from going over the lock.
Segment Synopsis: Marcum describes how he saved two men who almost went over the lock. He also says that he almost drowned twice.
Subjects: Boating accidents--Kentucky River (Ky.) Drowning victims--Kentucky River (Ky.) Kentucky River (Ky.) Locks (Hydraulic engineering)--Kentucky River (Ky.)