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2:19 - Early memories

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Partial Transcript: What's your earliest memory of the river?

Segment Synopsis: Irvine talks about catching loose logs from timber rafts, steamboats, and Muddy Creek.

Keywords: Log raft; Muddy Creek; Steamboat

Subjects: Logging--Kentucky River steamers--Kentucky River (Ky.) TImber rafting--Kentucky River (Ky.)

6:47 - Boats

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Partial Transcript: Do you remember any drownings on the river?

Segment Synopsis: Irvine talks about various boats on the Kentucky River including steamboats.

Keywords: Steamboat

Subjects: River steamers--Kentucky River (Ky.)

10:47 - River experiences

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Partial Transcript: Do you remember the 1930 drought?

Segment Synopsis: Irvine briefly talks about the 1930 drought, paddle-boats, and fishing.


Subjects: Agriculture--Kentucky Boats and boating--Kentucky River (Ky.) Droughts--Kentucky Fishing--Kentucky River (Ky.)

13:01 - Doylesville, Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: Was Doylesville much of a community at that time, I mean when you were growing up?

Segment Synopsis: Irvine describes Doylesville and the changes that he has seen.

Keywords: Doylesville, Kentucky

Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.)

16:32 - Farms

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Partial Transcript: Were the river bottoms still cultivated then pretty much?

Segment Synopsis: Irvine talks about farming and how it has become too expensive for most people to do.

Keywords: Hemp

Subjects: Agriculture--Kentucky River life--Kentucky River (Ky.)

19:59 - River changes

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Partial Transcript: You ever see any workboats go down the river?

Segment Synopsis: Irvine talks about how the river has changed. He points out that the river used to have natural pollution like logs and now it has plastic containers floating in it. He also talks about the spread of Johnson Grass.

Keywords: Johnson Grass; Trotline

Subjects: Fishing--Kentucky River (Ky.) Kentucky River (Ky.) Water--Pollution--Kentucky

0:00No transcript.