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3:45 - Childhood

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Partial Transcript: You lived around here all your life?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about life in Oneida when he was young. He discusses his father's job as a carpenter and the Great Depression.

Keywords: Great Depression; Oneida, Kentucky

Subjects: Depressions--1929--Kentucky

7:52 - Log rafts

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Partial Transcript: Do you remember rafting on the river?

Segment Synopsis: Allen taks about seeing rafts on the river and how the rafts were constructed.

Keywords: Dehorning; Hickory; Log raft; Raft construction; River Jim; Walnut

Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.) Timber rafting

16:44 - Logging

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Partial Transcript: Do you know what a tram road is?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about men cutting timber and how they got it to the river to form rafts.

Keywords: Log raft; Tram road

Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.) Logging--Kentucky Timber rafting

28:31 - Raftsmen

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Partial Transcript: These guys would run the rafts from here.

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about the men who would take the rafts down river and how they handled finances.

Keywords: Log raft

Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.) Timber rafting

39:03 - Dams

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Do you remember dams on the river out here?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about the location of local mills.


Subjects: Dams--Kentucky Kentucky River (Ky.) Mills and mill work--Kentucky

43:00 - Loggers

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Partial Transcript: You remember any other families or businesses that had logging around here?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about neighbors who were involved in logging.

Keywords: Daniels

Subjects: Logging--Kentucky

52:18 - Coal

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: What's a tie tide?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about railroads coming to the area because of coal. He discusses coal mining.

Keywords: Dead lifting; Railroad ties; Strip mining

Subjects: Coal mines and mining--Kentucky Kentucky River (Ky.)

64:04 - Lawyers

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: He'd been in all kind of it.

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about his son-in-law being a public defender. He discusses salaries of lawyers.

Keywords: Public Defender


66:16 - Floods

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Tell me about floods around here.

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about various floods. He also shows pictures to Ellis. He discusses different water levels and compares floods.

Keywords: 1937; 1947; 1957; Flood damage; Flood plain; Oneida, Kentucky; South Fork

Subjects: Floods--Kentucky Kentucky River (Ky.)

79:39 - Water quality

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: What about over the years, the water quality?

Segment Synopsis: Allen says that water quality had improved. He attributes the improvement to sewer lines being installed.

Keywords: Water quality

Subjects: Kentucky River (Ky.) Water--Pollution--Kentucky

84:31 - Fishing

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Do people eat fish out of the river here?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about fishing on the Kentucky River and the type of fish that were caught. He says that there has not been much in years because of pollution from mining.

Keywords: Bass; Bullfrog; Catfish; Dynamite

Subjects: Fishing--Kentucky River (Ky.) Water--Pollution--Kentucky

89:24 - Education

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Do you know Dr. Saul?

Segment Synopsis: Allen talks about his education and his career as a teacher. He tells a story about having to bribe a trustee member for a position in a school.

Keywords: Bribe; Eastern Kentucky University; Education; Teacher; Teaching

Subjects: River life--Kentucky River (Ky.)

0:00No transcript.