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0:55 - Childhood Memories

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Partial Transcript: Let me get your name first.

Segment Synopsis: Ms. Steinoff talks about her early memories in the town.

Keywords: Education; Fire Department; Flooding; Railroads; Recreation; Silver Grove Community

Subjects: Kentucky bluegrass Kentucky--History Kentucky--Social life and customs Local History Railroad companies Railroad crossings Railroad stations

17:31 - First Memories

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Partial Transcript: What's your first memory of Silver Grove?

Segment Synopsis: Ms. Steinoff talks about her first memories of Silver Grove. Mr. Edwards talks about restaurants and the 1930 flood.

Keywords: Education; Fire Department; fires; Flooding; Railroads; Recreation; Silver Grove Community

Subjects: fire Floods--United States Kentucky bluegrass Kentucky--History Kentucky--Social life and customs Local History

32:12 - Restaurant Memories

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Partial Transcript: When I was 18, that's when I graduated.

Segment Synopsis: Mrs. O'Brien talks about her time in the restaurant and her time out of state.

Keywords: Education; Fire Department; Flooding; Railroads; Recreation; restaurant; Silver Grove Community; waitress

Subjects: Kentucky bluegrass Kentucky--History Kentucky--Social life and customs Local History

46:42 - Recreation

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Partial Transcript: I remember the price of cars.

Segment Synopsis: Ms. Steinoff and Mr. Richards talk about things to do in Silver Grove.

--Cuts out at the end--

Keywords: automobiles; Education; Fire Department; Flooding; Railroads; Recreation; Silver Grove Community

Subjects: automobiles Kentucky bluegrass Kentucky--History Kentucky--Social life and customs Local History