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0:20 - Intro

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Partial Transcript: Can we start by telling me a bit about yourself; your full name, birthplace, occupation?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz speaks about her first interactions with horses while in New Hampshire.

Keywords: horse breeding; Lexington, KY


2:16 - Appalachian Connection

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Partial Transcript: When and how did you realize you were a part of Appalachia?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz speaks about some of her first interactions with people in Appalachia.

Keywords: horse breeding; Lexington, KY; Mountain Pleasure Horse Association; Rocky Mountain Horses


8:17 - Importance

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Partial Transcript: When did you start to understand what a mountain horse was?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz speaks about how her opinions have changed over time in regard to mountain horses. She compares the versatility of mountain horses with other horse breeds.

Keywords: horse culture; horse temperament; horse versatility; Mountain Pleasure Horses; people-oriented; Tennessee Walking Horses; trail riding


17:55 - Human-Horse Relationships

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Partial Transcript: Some say that horses bring people together. What are your thoughts on that?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz speaks about the positive interactions she has had with others due to the mountain horse community. She speaks of going to horse shows and camping with friends.

Keywords: Green River Lake; horse culture; Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association; Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill; showing horses; Taylorsville Lake State Park; trail riding; United Mountain Horse Association


21:35 - Horse Shows

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Partial Transcript: Can you tell me a little bit about what you do and how things are put together?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz speaks about the work it takes to put on a horse show. She also speaks about her involvement with the different associations such as the United Mountain Horse Association, the Rocky Mountain Horse Association, and the Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association.

Keywords: horse certifications and registries; horse shows; Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association; Rocky Mountain Horse Association; showing horses; trail riding; United Mountain Horse Association


28:43 - Coat Color

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Partial Transcript: Some people say that a Rocky Mountain Horse is just a color. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz mentions that the gait is more important than the color of Rocky Mountain Horses.

Keywords: breed characteristics; gaited horses; Rocky Mountain Horses


30:01 - Temperament

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Partial Transcript: We have heard even-tempered nature of Rocky Mountain Horses and mountain horses might be a bit misleading. What are your thoughts on that?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz mentions that with all horse breeds you will always find some that are hard to work with. She tells some stories about horses that she said had an old soul. She also tells stories of learning from difficult horses that she has worked with.

Keywords: breed characteristics; horse conformation; horse temperament; horse training; Rocky Mountain Horses; trail riding


42:52 - Sabino

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Partial Transcript: Can you describe a sabino?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz describes what the characteristics of a sabino are.

Keywords: breed characteristics; Mountain Pleasure Horses; Sabino; Tennessee Walking Horses


44:01 - Horse Breeding

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Partial Transcript: When you breed your horses, how do you decide who to breed?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz speaks about how some breeding decisions are genetic, but the main thing they breed for is temperament. She then speaks about how important having a horse with a good conformation is.

Keywords: horse breeding; horse conformation; horse temperament


47:10 - Horse Connection

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Partial Transcript: Do you think that your relationship or connection to horses has changed over the years?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz mentions that the main thing that has changed over the years is the knowledge that she has gained of horses. She continues on to mention how that extra knowledge has helped with her connection to horses. She then speaks about some of the breeders that she remembers.

Keywords: horse breeding; horse culture; Mountain Horses; Rocky Mountain Horses


54:33 - Future

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Partial Transcript: Where do you see the future of the Rocky breed and mountain horses leading?

Segment Synopsis: Kleinheitz mentions that it is essential to know the history of the mountain horses in order for the future of the mountain horse to be successful. She then speaks about the growing international popularity of the mountain horse.

Keywords: horse breeding; horse certifications and registries; Rocky Mountain Horse Association
