0:35 - Intro
Partial Transcript: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Hall speaks about growing up riding English pleasure horses.
Mr. Hall speaks about growing up around Quarter Horses.
Keywords: English pleasure; horse jumping; Quarter Horses; Rockin Ridge Farm; Rocky Mountain Horses; show hunter; Stanton, KY
3:24 - Hatchers Creek Ranch
Partial Transcript: Can you tell us a little bit about Hatchers Creek Ranch?
Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Hall speaks about the rental cabins, breeding programs, training, and trail riding that they offer at Hatchers Creek Ranch.
Keywords: Hatchers Creek Ranch; horse breeding; horse training; Rocky Mountain Horses; show horses; trail horses; trail riding
4:29 - First Memories
Partial Transcript: Can you share with us some of your first memories of the mountain horse?
Segment Synopsis: Mrs. Hall speaks about falling in love with Rocky Mountain Horses and the first time she rode a gaited horse. She then speaks about the temperament and willingness of gaited horses.
Mr. Hall speaks about going to the 2010 Mountain Horse Celebration and the Pleasure Horse Show.
Keywords: 2010 Mountain Horse Celebration and Pleasure Horse Show; Gaited Horses; H.T. Derickson; horse temperament; Quarter Horses; Rockin Ridge Farm; Rocky Mountain Horses; show horses; showing horses; trail riding; Van Bert Farms
8:47 - Rocky Mountain Horse Internationals
Partial Transcript: Could you both comment on the importance of the show circuit to the breed?
Segment Synopsis: Mr. Hall speaks about how mountain horses are used for the show circuit and trail riding.
Mrs. Hall speaks about the 87-degree rule that applied to the stepping angle in the show ring. She then speaks about how the natural gait is the gait they train their horses to have.
Keywords: 87-degree rule; horse gait; International Rocky Mountain Horse Show; Rocky Mountain Horse Association; Rocky Mountain Horses; show pleasure classes; show pleasure horses; The Hangman
17:09 - Appalachian Connection
Partial Transcript: What does it mean to you to be part of Appalachia?
Segment Synopsis: Mr. Hall speaks about Van Bert Farms and Rockin Ridge Farm.
Mrs. Hall speaks about when they decided to breed their own Rocky Mountain Horses and how their temperament factored into that decision.
Keywords: Appalachia; Choco Dock lineage; Fashionista; horse breeding; horse temperament; Primetime; Rockin Ridge Farm; Rocky Mountain Horses; show horses; The Hangman; Venture for Gold
24:12 - Coat Color
Partial Transcript: Some people say that the Rocky Mountain Horse is just a color. What are your thoughts on that?
Segment Synopsis: Mr. Hall speaks about the behavior and unique traits of Rocky Mountain Horses.
Mrs. Hall speaks about not breeding for color at their ranch but rather breeding for ability.
Keywords: horse breeding; horse gait; horse temperament; Rocky Mountain Horses; The Hangman
28:26 - Importance & History
Partial Transcript: When did you understand what a mountain or a gaited horse was?
Segment Synopsis: Mr. Hall speaks about not knowing what a mountain or gaited horse was until they moved to Kentucky, met H.T. Derickson, and then rode his horses.
Keywords: Gaited Horses; horse certifications and registries; International Rocky Mountain Horse Show; Rocky Mountain Horse Association; Rocky Mountain Horses; show horse; showing horses; Tennessee Walking Horses; trail riding
47:32 - RMHA
Partial Transcript: When did you first hear about the Rocky Mountain Horse Association and your thoughts on that?
Segment Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Hall speak about their experiences with different horse associations. They speak about how the associations should all come together to have shows because it would be better for the horses, their owners, and the spectators.
Keywords: horse certifications and registries; horse shows; horse versatility; Kentucky Horse Park; Lexington, KY; Quarter Horses; Rocky Mountain Horse Association; Rocky Mountain Horses; trail riding
61:48 - Horse Trail Development
Partial Transcript: What needs to happen with horse trails and horse trail development based on your observations as trail riders?
Segment Synopsis: Mr. and Mrs. Hall speak about several good trails and campgrounds that they know of.
Keywords: Cave Run Lake; Dawkins Line Rail Trail; Elkins Horse Camp; Rocky Mountain Horses; Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill; trail horses; trail riding